Backup Data Using BanyanDB Backup Tool

The backup command-line tool is used to backup BanyanDB snapshots to remote storage. The tool allows both one-time and scheduled backups.


The backup tool performs the following operations:

  • Connects to a BanyanDB data node via gRPC to request the latest snapshots.
  • Determines the local snapshot directories based on the catalog type:
    • Stream Catalog: Uses the stream-root-path.
    • Measure Catalog: Uses the measure-root-path.
    • Property Catalog: Uses the property-root-path.
  • Computes a time-based directory name (formatted as daily or hourly).
  • Uploads files that are not found in the remote storage to the specified destination.
  • Deletes orphaned files in the remote destination that no longer exist locally.
  • Optionally schedules periodic backups using cron-style expressions.


Before running the backup tool, ensure you have:

  • A running BanyanDB data node exposing a gRPC service (by default at
  • Network connectivity to the data node.
  • A valid destination URL specified using the file:/// scheme (or any supported scheme in future releases).
  • Necessary access rights for writing to the destination.
  • Sufficient permissions to access the snapshots directories for Stream, Measure, and Property catalogs on the data node.

Command-Line Usage

One-Time Backup

To perform a one-time backup, run the backup command with the required flags. At a minimum, you must specify the destination URL.

Example Command:

./backup --dest "file:///backups"

Scheduled Backup

To enable periodic backups, provide the --schedule flag with a schedule style (e.g., @yearly, @monthly, @weekly, @daily, @hourly or @every ) and set your preferred time style using --time-style. The supported schedule expressions based on the tool’s internal map are:

  • Hourly: Schedules at “5 * * * *” (runs on the 5th minute of every hour).
  • Daily: Schedules at “5 0 * * *” (runs at 00:05 every day).

Example Command:

./backup --dest "file:///backups" --schedule @daily --time-style daily

When a schedule is provided, the tool:

  • Registers a cron job using an internal scheduler.
  • Runs the backup action periodically according to the scheduled expression.
  • Waits for termination signals (SIGINT or SIGTERM) to gracefully shut down.

Detailed Options

Flag Description Default Value
--grpc-addr gRPC address of the data node.
--enable-tls Enable TLS for the gRPC connection. false
--insecure Skip server certificate verification. false
--cert Path to the gRPC server certificate. empty
--stream-root-path Root directory for the stream catalog snapshots. /tmp
--measure-root-path Root directory for the measure catalog snapshots. /tmp
--property-root-path Root directory for the property catalog snapshots. /tmp
--dest Destination URL for backup data. (e.g., file:///backups) required
--time-style Directory naming style based on time. Supports daily or hourly. daily
--schedule Schedule style for periodic backup. If not set, backup is performed once. Options: @yearly, @monthly, @weekly, @daily, @hourly and @every . empty

This guide should provide you with the necessary steps and information to effectively use the backup tool for your data backup operations.