SkyWalking Summit 2023 @ Shanghai China

Apache SkyWalking hosts SkyWalking Summit 2023 on Nov. 4th, 2023, UTC+8, sponsored by ZMOps and Tetrate.
We are going to share SkyWalking’s roadmap, features, product experiences, and open-source culture.
Welcome to join us.
Addr./地址 上海大华虹桥假日酒店
8:00 - 17:00, Nov 4th.
Call For Proposals (CFP)
The Call For Proposals open from now to 18:00 on Oct. 27th 2023, UTC+8. Submit your proposal at here
We have 1 open session and 8 sessions for the whole event.
- Open session is reserved for SkyWalking PMC members.
- 6 sessions are opened for CFP process.
- 2 sessions are reserved for sponsors.
- ZMOps Inc.
- Tetrate Inc.
Anti-harassment policy
SkyWalkingDay is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery will also not be tolerated in any event venue. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled without a refund, at the discretion of the event organizers. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at Apache website.
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