Release Apache SkyWalking BanyanDB 0.6.0

SkyWalking BanyanDB 0.6.0 is released. Go to downloads page to find release tars.


  • Support etcd client authentication.
  • Implement Local file system.
  • Add health check command for bydbctl.
  • Implement Inverted Index for SeriesDatabase.
  • Remove Block Level from TSDB.
  • Remove primary index.
  • Measure column-based storage:
    • Data ingestion and retrieval.
    • Flush memory data to disk.
    • Merge memory data and disk data.
  • Stream column-based storage:
    • Data ingestion and retrieval.
    • Flush memory data to disk.
    • Merge memory data and disk data.
  • Add HTTP services to TopNAggregation operations.
  • Add preload for the TopN query of index.
  • Remove “TREE” index type. The “TREE” index type is merged into “INVERTED” index type.
  • Remove “Location” field on IndexRule. Currently, the location of index is in a segment.
  • Remove “BlockInterval” from Group. The block size is determined by the part.
  • Support querying multiple groups in one request.


  • Fix the bug that property merge new tags failed.
  • Fix CPU Spike and Extended Duration in BanyanDB’s etcd Watching Registration Process.
  • Fix panic when closing banyand.
  • Fix NPE when no index filter in the query.


  • Bump go to 1.22.
  • Bump node to 2.12.2.
  • Bump several tools.
  • Bump all dependencies of Go and Node.
  • Combine banyand and bydbctl Dockerfile.
  • Update readme for bydbctl